
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitted paper is not published, nor be under review for publication elsewhere.

  • The complete identification and full address of all the authors (full names, institution, email address and country) is included in the system's metadata.
  • Articles is written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. But, if the article is written in Spanish or Portuguese, the metadata information (at the submission step) should specify the Title, Abstract and Keywords in English.
  • The first page include the title and abstract, but not the names or affiliations of the authors for ensuring a double-blind peer review process.
  • Authors include in the 'Comments for the Editor' box a list of (maximum) five potential reviewers without any conflicts of interest with authors. Please provide full name, email and scientific reasons justifying the suggestion (expertise in the field, publications, high factor h-index, etc.). Without these data and proper justification, the review process may be delayed.
  • Submitted manuscript is in PDF format with a maximum file size of 4MB. We also recommend follow the style of the journal.
  • Authors transfer to IBERAMIA all the necessary copyright rights as described in the Copyright Statements, mainly those related to its free distribution under the CreativeCommons Licence (CC BY-NC).
  • Authors comply and accept the ethical statements of the journal, as well as its privacy statement

Author Guidelines

The journal publishes high-quality original research papers reporting theoretical or applied advances in all branches of Artificial Intelligence. Submissions must be original. Submitted papers cannot have been published previously, nor be under review for publication elsewhere. However, the journal welcomes extended and improved versions of papers published in conferences or workshops, which will be subject to a new peer review process. Submission is also permitted for papers that are available as technical reports (e.g., in arXiv).  Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere with formal publication during the review period. With the submission, the authors ensure and accept the plagiarism policy, the ethical statements, and the open publishing policy of the journal.

Inteligencia Artificial is an Open Access Journal and provides immediate full open access to all its contents, under the principle that publication and free access to research papers promote a greater exchange of knowledge.  The journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project.

There are no fees for publication nor editing tasks. The journal does not charge authors, readers nor their institutions for free access to all its contents.

Before you can send a manuscript, you must register with the system. Login and proceed to 'Make a Submission'. We recommend including the complete metadata of all authors (contributors).

Formatting guidelines: Submit your manuscript in PDF format according to the style of one of the following models (please, note that the maximum file size is 4 MB):
    a) LaTeX model (recommended). Download the LaTex style file (.zip): Latex
    b) MS Word model. Download the .doc or .docx file:  formatting-guidelines

    Here is an example in pdf.

Language: Articles can be written in English (preferably), Spanish or Portuguese. If the article is written in Spanish or Portuguese, the metadata information (at the submission step) should specify the Title, Abstract, and Keywords in English (subtitle can be in other languages). Include a clear list of keywords related to your article (see suggestions at the bottom of this page). 

Double-blind peer review process: All submissions follow a double-blind peer review process.  The first page should include the title and abstract, but not the names or affiliations of the authors. Funding acknowledgments must also be omitted. Submissions must not contain pointers to complementary material on the web where the authors can be identified. When referring to the job itself, use the third person. For example, say "Previously, Adan and Eve [7] shown that ...", instead of "In our previous work [3] we shown that ...". All identification information can be re-added to the final camera-ready version of accepted documents. All submissions will be treated in strict confidence until the publication date. Selection criteria include originality, correctness, clarity, significance of results, and quality of presentation.

Suggested Reviewers: Authors should submit a list of (maximum of five) potential reviewers of their submission. These reviewers should not have any conflicts of interest with the author (including working in the same institution, recent joint collaborations in projects or publications, etc.). Preferably they should be from a different institution/country from the authors. Please provide for each potential reviewer, its full name, email, and scientific reasons justifying the suggestion (expertise in the field, publications, high factor h-index, etc.). Without these data and proper justification, the review process may be delayed or not considered. These potential reviewers may or may not be considered by the editorial committee, or added to the own reviewers. Add this list in the "Comments for Editor" box on the submission page.

Submissions that do not comply with the previously indicated indications may have a certain delay in the review process, or may not be processed.

Reviewing Process: Reviewing process will be as fast as possible, according to the reviewer's restrictions and the length of the paper. Authors can contact the editor with any salient questions. Reviewers can make recommendations to accept, accept with minor revisions, resubmission with major revisions, or reject. We expect a review time of approximately 6-8 weeks. A paper may be resubmitted at most once. If a paper is accepted with revisions or should be resubmitted with major revisions, authors should return the revised paper as soon as possible (normally, authors will have up to six weeks to accomplish their revisions). The electronic publication will occur immediately upon receipt of the final version of an accepted article. After a paper is accepted, authors must transfer the copyright of the article to the publishers. Authors are encouraged to add links to the article on their personal web pages.

Accepted Articles
Once the article has been accepted, please review the format in detail and follow the instructions of the editor.
Include in the article the complete identification and full address of all the Authors (including institution, email address, and country), Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgments, and complete bibliographic information for all cited references. Additionally, all authors (contributors) should complete their metadata in their access accounts to the system, so that the article can be properly referenced in the citation databases. You can see an example of good metadata here.

Accepted papers will be published electronically on the journal's web pages, with a free open-access policy. We have absolutely no charge for the publication or processing tasks. The journal encourages authors to add links in their personal pages pointing to the journal's pages containing their contributions.

Theses Summaries
Inteligencia Artificial is also interested in the publication of Ph.D. dissertation summaries that provide a quick and state-of-the-art reference in particular topics of Artificial Intelligence. Summaries can be submitted following the regular submission process (no DOI assigned), stating 'Theses Summaries' in the Journal's Section, and should be limited to 2-4 pages.

Monographs and Special Issues (temporarily closed)
The journal welcomes monograph or special issue proposals related to specific areas of Artificial Intelligence under invitation. Contributions to monographs or special issues can be original works including new research papers, extended and improved versions of papers published in conferences and workshops, and survey papers that summarize the topics of a particular monograph or special issue. In all cases, the publication of contributions is conditioned to acceptance in a new peer-review process carried out by an international scientific committee under the journal's supervision. See these guides for these issues.

Free Open Access,  Copyright, and  Ethical Statements
This journal provides immediate free open access to all its contents. There is no cost for publishing or editing tasks.

Authors accept publication and distribution of submitted papers by IBERAMIA, both electronically (with free access from the Internet) and in print, as well as their dissemination through other media or entities with which IBERAMIA may establish an agreement. With the submission, authors (and related entities) explicitly transfer to IBERAMIA all the necessary copyright rights, particularly related to its free distribution under the CreativeCommons Licence (CC BY-NC), or through any other media or entities with which IBERAMIA may establish an agreement for free distribution, indexing or reproduction.

Submission of a manuscript implies that its publication has been approved by all co-authors if any, as well as by the entity where the work has been granted or carried out. Authors are owners or have the required permission to include all figures, tables, or previously published text included in the paper, for both the print and online format. Any material received without such explicit evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. The authors ensure they comply and accept the ethical statements and open publishing policy of the journal.

All submissions will be treated in strict confidence until the publication date. Journal reviewers are also required to meet these ethical statements and the open publishing policy of the journal.

Suggested Keywords (but not limited)

Agent Models. Agent Architectures. Agent technology;
AI and the Web.
AI in Education;
AI for social good. Recommender Systems.
Applications of AI;
Ambient intelligence.Intelligence of things (IoT + AI);
Bio-inspired computing. Bio-inspired AI;
Case-based reasoning;
Cognitive Modeling. Cognitive Systems;
Computational creativity;
Computational Intelligence;
Computational Sustainability and AI;
Computer Vision;
Constraint satisfaction;
Emotional computing;
Evolutionary computing;
Fuzzy Systems,
Game playing and interactive entertainment;
Game Theory and Economic Paradigms;
Genetic Algorithms. Evolutionary computing;
Heuristic Search and Optimization. Metaheuristics;

Humans and AI. Human-Aware;
Human-Computer Interaction. Affective Computing;
Industrial Applications of AI;
Information extraction and integration;
Intelligent User Interfaces;
Intelligent Tutoring Systems. AI in Education.
Knowledge Acquisition. Ontologies;
Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining;
Knowledge Engineering and Applications;
Knowledge Representation. Reasoning. Argumentation;
Machine Learning. Deep Learning. Big Data;
Multi-Agent Systems;
Natural Language Processing. Conversational AI. Text Mining;
Pattern Recognition;
Planning and Scheduling;
Probabilistic Reasoning, Reasoning under Uncertainty;
Robotics; Simulation and Modelling;
Soft Computing;
Swarm intelligence;
Social impact of AI, Ethics and AI. Sustainability and AI.
Trustworthy and Explainable AI. Human aspects in AI.

Invited papers from Iberamia'2022 (closed)

This section is only for invited (extended) papers from IBERAMIA'2022.

Follow the same journal style as a normal submitted article.

The submission is an invited paper, so you DO NOT need provide potential reviewers. The paper will be published as a regular paper of the journal. We recommend you provide a different (but similar) title of your contribution to Iberamia'2022.

Invited Papers

Submissions expressly invited. Submissions to this section must follow the same style as the general  submissions, but they will be treated with a special review process.

Teaching Artificial Intelligence: topics, tools and experiences.

Teaching Artificial Intelligence at graduate level. Core and optional topics, tools and experiences.

In this monograph, university professors are invited to describe their experiences in teaching the subject of artificial intelligence. What are the core and optional topics, and how extensive are they? What are the practical or development activities, what tools are used? What type of evaluation is carried out? How do students respond to this subject? What previous knowledge is missing?, etc.
This monograph aims to give a vision of the teaching of Artificial Intelligence, and its different topics (Learning, Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language, Computational Intelligence, Pattern recognition, Planning, Search, Agent technology, Generative AI, Trusted, Social and Ethical AI, etc.) at the grade level in the different universities. The different expected contributions will allow an overall vision, as well as the possibility of opening collaborations and/or discussions on the teaching of Artificial Intelligence at the university level.

Expected length of contributions: 10-20 pages.
Deadline: September 30, 2023
Language: English (preferred), Spanish and Portuguese.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For a more extensive privacy statement, see iberamia's privacy statement.